
Making your blog your own, deciding how to blog.



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No matter. I find for the beginning blogger the best method is...

There were a couple of questions raised to me that I thought would be great to add to the blog. The first question, will I reverse the format of the blog in order to make each lesson consecutive as you scroll down? And the second was, how much devotion must be given to a blog once it's up, especially when there are so many other things going on in life.

For the first question, in order to really understand how a blog automatically works, it's best to keep it in the format it naturally forms. When I land on a blog that I don't know much about the person or why they started blogging, I open their archives and I go to their first few entries. It's like digging up information I'd like to know. What I've done instead is reverse my Archive, an option easily done by editing the Archives options under Settings. This way, you can easily see where I started, and where I am now.

On blogging every day, maintaining a blog can seem like a chore if you really aren't into daily journaling. That's why many sites that reach numerous people have more than one person posting and they all are responsible for their day(s) to post. And for lucky bloggers, there is financial incentive to blog every day. But as you can see in this article by Eric Kintz below, it really isn't necessary. I, personally, don't think that blogging daily and sharing other people's posts and general information is clogging space. I believe that on days you're not coming up with original content, there sharing something interesting from somewhere else isn't awful. I found it interesting so why not share? That idea doesn't vibe well with the general online community of sharing information. And since visuals are so much easier than original text, I take that time I need with family and life and just add visual content instead.

And would you know Eric Kintz and this article if I didn't repost and link to it? Some may, most won't.

In Project Blog Episode 3 I talk about PayPer Post so I thought I'd share the link. I also talked about a great educational link that teaches chemistry using a multimedia presentations. Thanks, Justine, for the link to The ChemCollective.

Why Blog Post Frequency Does Not Matter Anymore
Eric Kintz

"Thou shall post every day” is the most fundamental and most well known principle of blogging....

Every new blogger is warned about “the” ultimate rule and is confronted with the pressure of a day going by with no new post. Every one has in mind the examples of successful bloggers, like Robert Scoble at Microsoft, who post several times a day. Daily posting shows that you are serious about blogging, generates traffic and drives reader loyalty, as readers come back daily to check your new posts. You cannot be successful if you do not go by the rule, right? RIGHT?

Wrong. Daily posts are a legacy of a Web 1.0 mindset and early Web 2.0 days (meaning 12 months ago!). The pressure around posting frequency will ultimately become a significant barrier to the maturity of blogging. Here are 10 reasons why...

Read more here.

Kintz, Eric (2006). Why Blog Posting Frequency Doesn’t Matter Anymore. Retrieved February 17, 2008 from Marketing Profs Daily Fix Blog website:

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