
Can You Build Your Own Blog?

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curious will said...

the one cool thing about blogs that i think is missing is simply what makes it so cool: the sharing factor. the whole point of a blog is to have one place where all of your friends can see your thoughts and ideas. and then they can comment on them! i think a need "real world" application description of a blog at the beginning of the site would be supercool. insights that would make new bloggers WANT to learn how to do it. for example, for me, it's a great way to keep up with long distance friends. it's also a cool way to get different thoughts i have out there without having to repeat the same thing over and over to a bunch of people. and most importantly, it's a part of me and it's FUN. it's a brilliant creative outlet. ;)

Francia M said...

Passionate response! Thanks for your contribution. Great blog.